me and friends
      1. _welcome
  1. _

this is my website, welcome.

this is my website and i welcome you to it. i hope you like it.
i made this website for u to enjoy. you can see what facts there are about me and my school even my family and maybe my friends.
lisa simpon
here are some facts about my school and my school friends.

. my school is a big school witch has lots of children in.
. the children push you around like they own the school. oveously they dont.
. my friends always tell me the truth no matter how imbarasing it might be for them.

. they are always there for me when i need them and they always back me up on things.

. my friends never  lie to me and they tell me there secrates even if the are imbarasing secrets.

about me and my family.

i have 3 brothers 2 older
and 1 younger they are anoying
 and weired to be around they are 
so crazy. i live with my mumand 2 of my brothers.
my dad is in a will chair and he lives in cornwal.
i am 12 years old my brothers are 14, 20 and new born.
i also have 2 sisters they are 19  and 17 they also live in cornwal.